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5 adjectives about Brooke

1. Zero ego

2. Collaborative

3. Wicked creative

4. Thoughtful

5. Big picture

5 adjectives about Kate

1. Pithy

2. Grammar and typo snob

3. Inquisitive

4. Quick witted

5. The devil is in the details

Some would call it fate; others might call it the power of Tryptophan. We met on Thanksgiving Day after what Kate’s father-in-law, Wally, billed as the best turkey dinner he had ever eaten (Kate was the chef). Although we had met on previous occasions, as Brooke’s daughter is marrying Kate’s neighbor’s son, we had never really had a meaningful conversation. But over a rousing game of Left, Right, Center (a Thanksgiving tradition), all that changed. We got to talking about our professions and quickly realized that we had very similar career paths – with Brooke’s leaning more toward advertising, and Kate’s toward PR. Fast forward not even one week, and Brooke’s longtime writing partner announced his departure. The rest was history in the making.

Today, Brooke and Kate help clients realize their people — and product’s — potential through crafting their stories. Armed with two very different writing styles (Brooke is more the creative; Kate is the eagle-eyed editor type), we are highly adept at culling out stories and weaving tales to entice readers and engage consumers. We pride ourselves on working with clients every step of the way: from research and initial planning to execution and follow up, we are professionals that simply love to write — and are darn good at it.


Regardless of the industry sectors — current clients include higher ed, finance, CPGs, healthcare, packaging design, and digital change agents — the thought leaders and industry experts we work with share a common ethos with us…the gift of collaboration.

Meet Brooke
Meet Kate

Brooke Lighton

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  • Born New York, lives in Chicago area

  • Syracuse University, La Sorbonne

  • Start: Ogilvy & Mather, Copywriter

  • Moved to Foote Cone & Belding, Group CD

  • Launched Lighton Colman

  • Currently, Partner at Brooke & Kate Storytellers

  • Experience: B2C and B2B: content creation for branding, creative thinker and writer for all digital media

Kate Dieckmann

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  • Born in Delaware, grew up in Minnesota, lives in the Chicago area

  • Graduated University of Minnesota

  • Start: WeberShandwick Minneapolis

  • Moved to GolinHarris Chicago, Whole Foods Market and Ketchum

  • Currently, Partner at Brooke & Kate Storytellers

  • Experience: CPG brands and issues management

Experience Our Storytelling Style.

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